Quiett Mom POTS Talk

Audio copy of Quiett Mom Talks: Self Care

Quiett Mom Talks

All righty. Welcome to Quiet Mom Pots Talk. No, start over. We're doing this live, so we're not starting over, but Welcome to Quiet Mom Talks. Today we are talking about self care. Um, I'm so I'm Welcome to our first live recording. We, um, we decided we wanted to do live recording because we wanted to sound more authentic. So And, um, we are both super busy and we don't get around to getting the, um, stuff edited. So we just wanted to try to do it live. So, um, you are getting us live and we are even, we're live on Instagram and we are recording onto our, um, podcasting recording that we normally do, but, um, so let me start over. Welcome to Quiet Mom Talks. I'm Robin. I'm Zoe. I'm Zoe. I'm Zoe. We do know who we are. Promise. And today we're going to talk about self care. And self care is a really, um, What just happened? Kind of a passionate, um, Can you see if you can plug it back in or something? Um, turn it on. Where is it? One of our lights went off. Um, anyways, self Oh, it's because it's plugged into your surface, mom. Oh, because you closed my surface. This is what happens when we go live. Um, I only have two things, and there's already two things plugged in. Oh goodness. Um. Well, we might just have to be without it. Okay, we're just gonna be dark. It's fine. It's bright enough. Um. Technical difficulties. Um, this is what happens when Okay, have we said before that we are amateurs at broadcasting? And we are new, and we just You know, here we go. We're amateurs at life, I think. We have, well, and this, yes, this week has been quite trying in our household. But anyways, we're going to talk about self care today. Um, Chibi wants to lick me and won't stop. Chibi's a dog. In case you can't see. This is Chibi. This is Robin, Zoe, Chibi. She has to be involved in the middle of everything. Um, today we're talking about self care. All right, self care. Self care is really a passionate, a passion of mine. As a former massage therapist, I spent the last twenty seven, twenty, like, At least twenty five. It was twenty, ninety nine is when I was licensed, so twenty six. Um, talking about and teaching about self care. And now I am a high school teacher and I teach, um, health in the, general health to, um, high school students. It is all about self care. That's what I think. They don't think that. They don't think much of anything. The, the school board doesn't either, but I, it's all about self care. So let's talk, what is self care? So our definition that we came up with with A little bit of AI help. Self care is intentionally taking time to nurture your mental, physical, and emotional well being, which basically just means doing something for yourself. Taking care of you. Like, it's in the words, self care. It's kind of, a lot of people say that self care is selfish, which honestly, that's what you're doing, is you're being selfish and a world where we, 99 percent of the times, are thinking about 15 other things other than ourselves in one point in time. And I say this all the time, self care is not selfish. Self care, um, like, self care is, it's important for your mental well being, it's important for your sanity, it's important for your health. Like, eating the right foods sometimes can be self care, and it's important to make sure that you take time and, and do self care. All of, all of the things. So, um, that's our definition of what self care is, but what, like, what are examples of self care? What do you do for self care? Honestly, like, I do a lot of different things for self care depending on what I'm doing it for. Oh my gosh, the light is glaring on my glasses. Um, sometimes it can be resting, or watching a movie, or meditating, or, Going and working out, or going for a walk, or doing an exercise, or an art project, or taking a sit break, or something like that. If you're a dog, you lick your owner's arm. She's It's a soothing reaction for dogs. She's going crazy. Um, but self care is also things like getting your nails done, or going out with the girls once a month, or, um, spending time after Like a game and hanging out with or date night with your spouse or whatever. Um, anything that you do to help you feel better, that's just for the purpose. And it's not, it doesn't only have to be for the sole purpose of taking care of you and nurturing your own feelings, but it's, it's something that helps to get your mind off of stress. It's something that gets you away from the office. It's something that helps you. Like for me the last couple weeks self care has been when I'm like I was at a wrestling match That was my I was at a wrestling match reffing which earlier in the year Wrestling matches stressed me out because I and I really worked on Getting my confidence up and really trusting myself and and knowing what I know So it was really hard, like, I almost quit wrestling this year. But now, it was, that was, cause I got to really dive into the work. I got to get into wrestling. For some people, this, not to be, like, stereotypical, um, sexist, but like, for a lot of men, self care is that time that they go out in the garage and they team up with the car, or they change the brakes, or they spend a lot of time working on the house. Um, Women, we tend to do like more artsy, creative things, or dancing, or, um, going to our Things that seem more productive. Right. Sometimes we're cleaning or organizing, and that's what we do for self care. But basically, you have to find what makes you tick. Um, we have an episode on sit breaks. It's one of our first episodes that we recorded when we were doing quiet mom talks. And, um, it talks about sit breaks, which is kind of interesting. Some people could call it meditation, or being quiet, or whatever. But, um, but it's just important to think about sit breaks is it can be so many different things. Like, you can be just sitting there, or you can be like, Laying down or walking around or whatever you need to be doing to just give your mind or your body or both a break. For sure. And it can be, um, other examples of self care are things that keep you in a routine. So like you go get a massage once a month. That's something that you, you don't have to be stressed out to go get a massage once a month and it's probably a good idea to just do it. To go get, I mean, getting your teeth cleaned every six months. Mm hmm. Those are things that you sort of pre plan it out, and um, but there's also the, like, you don't normally get your nails done, but you're really stressed out and you need some time for you, and it's like, you know what, I'm going to get my nails done today. So that's a good, a good way to, um, take care of yourself. But why? Why do, why do we need to take these times of, these intentional, the intentional taking time to nurture your mental and physical health? What does that do to you? So we talked, we talked last week about mental health, and I always kind of relate self care with mental health, which is why I kind of wanted to do these two like, together, close to each other. Just because when you're taking care of yourself, it's a lot of the times because of your mental health. Whether it's because you're having a long week or a long day, or you're in a stressful situation or something good happened, or anything. That falls under the mental health category. So when you're taking care of yourself, even if it is just like you're every other week going to get your nails done, or every month going to get a massage that is basically, like, prescribed by your doctor or whatever, but that's still Something that you're doing for yourself, whether it be physically or mentally, or because you're stressed out, or because you need to calm down your nervous system, or because you're just persevering through something kind of crazy right now, or just to make sure that you're strong enough to keep a positive attitude or be in a good mood. It doesn't have to be because things are bad, it can be because things are good too. And it can be to maintain. Um, we need resilience to get through stressful time and hard work. Um, everybody deals with stressful time. Everybody has, like, some people have more stressful jobs than others. So some people have to, they need that self care. Um, everybody does. Some people need it more than others. Sometimes, um, a lot of us, we tend to, uh, I don't know what the right word is, but we tend to judge ourselves where. I have to be doing something like, okay, I worked today. I got you like you got home from work and you're like, okay, now I need to, I don't, I do this to myself. I need to wash the dishes. I need to organize this. I need to pick up that. I need to make sure I get the groceries for culinary. I need to make sure I get groceries for the house. I need to make sure I do all of these things, but I come home and sometimes I'll sit down on the couch and I might turn on HGTV and I zone out for like a while. And then I'm like, Oh, I've been sitting here for 45 minutes. Probably should. Like usually what I do is I'll set a timer, Alexa. Set a timer for 10 minutes, so I give myself 10 more minutes, and then I get to work. But you don't always have to be doing something productive. And if you take some intentional moment, for self care that will help you get through those other times. And like when you sit down and you zone out on something or you just scroll through your phone, that could be your self care time. Like we talked about in the set breaks, that could be your set break time, but you need to make sure that it's intentional. If you're doing it to avoid something else, that's not the exact, it's not the best way to give yourself self care. Usually you tend, you're just distracting yourself and it's not productive. Like. Although it is giving your body a break, and you're not dealing with the, whatever's stressing you out, it still isn't a super effective way. It's just like, disassociation more than it is self care. And we don't Because, and, sometimes that's okay just to like, forget anything exists, but you need to be able to know you're taking a break from things. And you're going to come back to it, you know? Like, setting that timer for yourself to watch TV for a minute. That's a very intentional break. For sure. So, it needs, like you said, to be intentional. And that just helps you not to feel like you, cause we all know, we've all been there. Yeah. Where you've sat down at a computer or you grabbed your phone to check, Oh, I wonder what happened at the game today. And you check Facebook and then you're off for hours. Or you get, like You've just sent your daughter like 15 different videos. Yeah, but oh my gosh while I'm sitting at work still But so it's important to have that like that intentional piece of it and and Have the intentional piece is to know what you're doing and kind of why you're doing But you also don't want to over judge yourself and over like you don't want to make too many rules about it either Because then you end up making the self care stressful You And I've had that happen a lot where it's like, Oh, this would be really great. Let's do this self care thing. And then it's like all this organizing, all these layers of organization. And at that point you're not actually taking care of yourself. Yeah. So then it turns into a job. So it has to be, like, you have to be intentional, you have to be very mindful, and you also have to give yourself some grace, like when you just decide to do certain things. Like sometimes it's like, okay, yeah, let's do this. This would be great to have this mom's night out to go watch this really great performer do this thing, and then you end up like, Having to organize the babysitter and then having to organize the meal and then make sure that all this stuff is stocked before you leave. And the babysitter knows what the plan is. And then you get in the trend, like who's ordering the Uber. Oh, it was, I thought it was Jenny. Jenny didn't do it. Now I have to order the Uber. I like, it turns into a lot of extra layers. And so you have to really like be mindful, but at the same time, in those moments, you need to remind yourself, this is for me to take care of myself. This is for me to be in this moment for self care. And so when you start, like, spinning those, those thoughts go spinning out of head, you're, you, that's when you, you gotta catch yourself. And you gotta, okay, you know what? This is supposed to be fun, this is supposed to be good, I don't care that Jenny didn't get the Uber, we're gonna have fun and we're gonna make it happen. So, I was talking to Brittany, my physical therapist, about, not even self care or anything like that, but we were talking about, my exercises and how I haven't been feeling good lately and I've had a lot of like flare ups and my symptoms have really been killing me. So, she was like, I want you to think about it like you're looking over the edge of a cliff. And I was like, okay. And she goes, don't go crazy. I'm going somewhere, I promise. And like, it was fine because Brittany and I, we've known each other for like a year and a half now. So, it's. It's totally understandable when she does something crazy like that. But she was like, I want you to look over the edge and see the view, look at everything, but don't step off of it. Kind of see how it feels to be a little bit nervous that you're gonna fall, but don't step off. And I was like, so like, enjoy the view. Right. But realize that it's crazy. Right, right. And she was like, yeah, exactly. Catch yourself before you fall. And I was like, okay. So now we have this thing where we say enjoy the view. And that's exactly what you're doing when you're scrolling but you're not doom scrolling. Right, right. Or you're watching a show but you're not binge watching a show. Right. To avoid real life or whatever. Right, exactly. And if you are like, you're Like, if you take a whole day and you're like, I'm gonna sit here on the couch all day and watch this show because I have been going and going and going all week, that's completely fine. I did that this weekend. But you have to know that it's because you're accommodating for some crazy thing that's been happening or because you haven't had the chance to sit down. So maybe that one day, that twelve hours or however long it is, is the only twelve hours you've been able to do that. Two weeks or in a month and that's completely fine and one even if you have had time Yeah, it's okay to let yourself have some extra time I think that we tend to give ourselves all these rules like I've been doing this too much and We all go through seasons and we all go through times that we need Certain things and sometimes we have to give ourself grace and we have to say, you know what? I needed this and like yesterday I had a day like I had a day that I needed. I was like, I really needed that. I needed that time for myself. I needed that time to like for my brain to do the things that my brain did and to interact with people that I did. And I think that that is, um, we have to just be a, it's a level of awareness that you have. And, um, Instead of going, Oh my God, I just wasted a day by spending 12 hours in front of the TV. You didn't waste a day, your body needed that break. Exactly. And so it's okay to do that. So, that kind of moves us into, we have notes here. The when, which is kind of whenever, like it can be whenever. Like, and I hate the word whenever because especially from my business training. And your ADHD. And my ADHD. You need to be specific. If you're not specific, you're not, you, you're not casting a net for anything if you do whatever, whenever, or all the time, or everybody. But, it is really whenever. It can be on a schedule. It can be as needed, which I like to always refer to as PRN. Um, cause that's a script. It's a medical term. It's my own. That's my own insight joke. What does that mean? It means, I don't know, it's like Greek or something. Somebody, people in the medical field know, nurses will know. PRN. PRN, it means as needed. Like when they write a prescription, take one tablet, PRN, whatever. Never mind. Per recommend, I don't even know. I have no idea. It means something, and I was probably taught when I learned it back in massage school when I was 20? 18? I was like, you weren't 20. I was 18. Um, so, um, Anyways, I like to say parent. You're the doctors on that. Okay, squirrel, back on track. They will probably. So, um, it can be done, like, in preparation for an event. Like, maybe you have a big event coming up. It's Thanksgiving, and all of your family is coming over. So the day before, you take a day and you go get a foot massage. Or you go get a massage. Or you go get your pedicure. Or something like that. That way, you're just Or you have a rest day afterwards. Or you plan to not do that. Because you know that you're going to be stressed out. Right, you make those plans. Anyways, so that's, um And then there's the times when you just get overwhelmed or stressed. And, um, and then you just take it. Like today, I was a little bit overwhelmed by a few events that happened. And I didn't have anything to do, partly because I kind of blew off a meeting that I didn't want to go to. Not that I didn't want to go. I really did want to go. But I just was overwhelmed and stressed and emotional and I needed to give myself some time. And I was like, I'm not going to do this. I was like, I think I'm gonna go to the gym. It's a good time to go to the gym. And it actually felt so good. I feel like exercise is one of the most underused mental health medications in the world. Um, especially for me, because it's something that I don't think about. And as a person who has ADD, transitions are hard. So to get from, you know, Like, the end of the day, I was at work, I had a really good hair day going, to change my clothes and go to the way, you were talking about your hair looks crazy, it doesn't even look bad, it's just like a little frizzy. It's a little frizzy, but it was, it was a really good hair day. But um, but that's okay, I definitely needed the 40 minutes of sweat that I got, um, because it just, for me, that was, I, I know, they taught, you know like right now, all the trend and exercise and stuff like that, oh you don't need to spend 40 minutes on the treadmill, you don't need to spend all this time doing cardio. I want to spend all that time doing cardio. You're so weird. I am a cardio junkie. I love that stuff. Like, to think about, like, I can just go and zone out. I don't even have to think could walk for 40 minutes. I was, I did the bike for 20 and then I did the elliptical for 20. We walked for like an hour, an hour and a half. Yeah. Anyways, but whatever that is, sometimes you just need to do it when you're stressed out in the moment. So think about if you are a person who struggles with this self care and you struggle with stress and you're like, I don't even know, like, what the hell are they talking about? Self care? How do I do that? If you think about like when you get stressed out at the end of the day, what would you like? Sometimes it's just pouring yourself a beverage and putting your feet up like or taking a bath or like whatever that thing is. Putting your comfy clothes on. Right. That can be self care. Wearing the hoodie to work instead of the suit. If you, you can get away with it. Um, that can be self care. Like, there is a reason, like, it doesn't have to be a full workout at the gym. It doesn't have to be a full on massage. It doesn't have to be anything major. It can just be like, going to the bathroom by yourself and locking the doors and turning the lights off so nobody knows you're in there. Like, it doesn't have to be anything huge, but it definitely has to be something that you pay attention to and you give yourself that time to take care of yourself. I am a huge proponent in pre-planning some self-care into your routines. Whether it's a daily thing, I think daily is good, but also those monthly, especially massage as massage therapist. Um, your massage, your massage, chiropractic massage therapist who doesn't schedule regular massages, massage your I schedule acupuncture regularly. acupuncture has taken my place, taken the massage place. I have a hard time paying for massage. I mean, not that I pay for it, because I have insurance for it now, but, whatever. I just miss my trades that I had with my favorite massage people, and I can't do that anymore, and I could pay them, I guess, but, I, then I would have to schedule appointments. Okay, preaching to the choir, I get it, alright. This is for me, we're doing this self care for me, because I don't take care of myself like that. Called out, I feel called out right now. Um, but that's okay. So, anytime, whenever you're overwhelmed, stressed, busy, like really look at your schedule. Morning routines, nighttime routines, those things are like good daily ways to fit in some self care. I have like started, I've literally utilized the Reminders app on your phone, because then it'll give you this reminder every single day. And if you have an iPhone, I'm pretty sure you can probably do it with Android too, you can put a widget on your home screen. Of your reminders, and then it'll like, start to show up, I think, like, red if it isn't done yet. Oh, really? Yeah. Huh. So, um, that's really great. My phone would be red all the time. So, yeah, and then like, obviously if a few hours go by and I like, forgot to, I don't know, brush my teeth or something, I just click it anyways because I'm never gonna get around to brushing my teeth that morning again once I'm already at work. Like, that's just not gonna happen at that point. Right. Right. Well, I think that it's just, it's important to whatever routine, sometimes just being in a routine can be your self care too, following through with that. But I think that it's important to know what you need, like know yourself, like the awareness and within your own self, which sometimes can take time. And every time you have some sort of big transition in your life, you get a new job, you get a new job. You move, you get a new dog, or a new kid, or you get a new kid. You have a new baby. That's what I was trying to say. Well, some people like adopt kids and that kind of stuff. Some people just acquire children. I don't know. We are on a roll tonight. Hi. I feel like I'm Welcome to Quiet Mom Talks! I feel like I haven't said um a lot. You did! Already? Like, in the beginning you did a lot. I did really go, like, I feel like that nobody knows how much I say um because I always edit it out. You'll see now. The truth is out there. Anyways, so, to wrap up, sort of. Kind of. Kind of. We try to keep these under a half hour, but. So. We did the who, the what, when, why, how. We talked about how, we didn't specifically, we've already talked about how. Yeah. Prioritize your wants and your needs. You, it is really important for us, as like everybody, to start doing that anyways. Like what's important to you, and start living that way. A lot of us have these things, we're like, oh this is really important to me. But then they don't live that way. Like, health is important, but I'm eating healthy. McDonald's. I want McDonald's. Me too. Maybe I'll get McDonald's on my way home. My self care. Who are you calling out with that one? I'm not calling, that was my in laws. They used to hide the fact that they smoked from their in laws, like from the grandparents. Oh my gosh! I didn't know it either! I didn't know it for like years until I realized that they were like hiding in the front driveway smoking. And I was like, what are they doing? I'm like, why are they, they were acting weird. And then I realized that the parents, the grandparents didn't know. That's kind of crazy. It was kind of crazy. But anyways. The point I'm saying is that when you talk about your values, if you're not living within those values, like health is important but you're not exercising, um, you think that it's important to look a certain way but you don't practice that way. Like there's just a lot of, um, I don't know, like I can't think of a good example that's not called hypocrisy. Yeah, exactly. Um, so, but prioritize your wants and your needs, whatever those are, if it's important for you. Like okay, here's one that people say all the time like their faith is important But they don't ever go to church not that faith and church are exactly related But it's one of those things that or they go to church, but then they don't follow the policy Just following through with what you think is best for yourself. That is a part I probably would edit out if I was editing because that just didn't really go the direction. Yeah So kind of went like here here here and everywhere Anyway. That was a good one. So, um, what makes you happy? Think about that. Like, what makes you happy? Um, Do those things. Those things are really good self care things. Like, if you like to sit out by the fire, um, and S'mores. Do s'mores? Like, that's a good self care thing. Like, if you like to sit out and look at the stars or you like to be outside, get yourself outside more. Or maybe if you can't get outside, open the window and get some fresh air. Listen to your body and what your body needs. I think it's important. That is one of the things that we Um, our culture doesn't always allow us to do We think that we have to go here here here and you have to do you have to be at work we have to do this you have to do this many minutes at the gym and when like you either want more or less you don't have like Listen to your body when you're hurting like your body's um Pain is your body's message system to tell you that something is wrong So If you don't listen to it and you power through, there's some things like, yes, power through the spin class. If you need, if you're not injured, like I did today. Oh my gosh, I'm so tired. I must need to sit down. I mean, sometimes you do need to sit down, but sometimes you do have to like, no, there are certain things that you have to power through, but listen to your body when you have that. My, um, the kids used to always, the coaches always ask, are you hurt or are you injured? Is that the right way? Are you hurt or are you injured? If you're hurt, yeah, that hurt because I fell on my knee some dirt on it. Am I injured? Yeah. I just broke my knee. Like, there's a broken, my bone's sticking out of my body. I'm injured. Um, but. Not always to that extent. It's not always to that extent. Obviously. It's not always that easy to see that, but it is definitely important to listen to your body and, um, make adjustments to whatever your body needs because it's important to listen. Your body is telling you. That is your best. Communication is that pain signals or the pleasure signals? Also, if it feels good, whatever it is, like if you enjoy the 20, 45 hour long time on the elliptical trainer, it's okay. Just do that. That's what I like to do. Um, but, and then plan ahead. Make sure that, you know, like look at your schedule and be aware, like it's important just in general to look at your schedule and know like what's going on. Yeah. Speaking from a person who's not good at this. Um, but just be like, okay, what's this week look like? What are you doing tomorrow, mom? I'm just kidding. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair done. Changing my hair. Um, but. Oh, that's right. But, um, so just look at your schedule plan ahead. Like, oh, everybody's coming over on Thursday night. Maybe Wednesday I should have a low key night. Maybe Wednesday's a good day to go get my pedicure. And especially if you're somebody with a chronic illness. Or a mental health condition. So, um. It's very helpful to know what you're expecting and to have the ability to take some time to take a break. Like, that way you can put it in your calendar, don't do anything, and then you won't schedule anything. If you have, like, if you have, if you're prone to overstimulation or whatnot, just try to be aware of that. And then, like, um, a couple weeks ago we had, like, I'm a referee on the weekends, so sometimes weekends get a little crazy. So it's like, I have three games tomorrow. Maybe it's not the best day to do a long run on Friday before Saturday when I'm supposed to have three games and be on top of my game. So, um, making sure that you go to bed early, get your sleep, that is the other thing, like, exercise is one of the most underrated mental health medication type things, or treatments. Sleep is another one. Sleep is something that we tend to especially when we're planning for things or we're like, we're staying up late to get that last little bit of the house clean or finish that one little art project so that it's just perfect for the birthday party or whatever, um sleep is really important. So maybe you if you did overdo it the night before because you were really trying to work hard on this birthday party thing, maybe you plan to go to bed early. after the birthday party. You don't plan something afterwards. So looking at that, all of those things are self care, um, tactics, self care, how to call it, uh, self care things to do. Self care things. Vocabulary is good for me today. Hi. Oh, I'm good. Okay, so we just got on our, um, Podcast stuff. I just got a notification saying we had a hundred downloads. Nice. So, um, How long do you think it will take to get our next one? Five years. So if you like us, um, If you made it this far, if you made it this far and you think we're kind of funny and interesting, Honestly, I think having our podcast like this might be even like better just because I don't know. It's real. We're kind of stupidly funny. Yeah, I don't I don't like the word stupid. You Stupidly. Stupidly! Yeah. I know what you're saying, but I still, I get a little cringey when that one comes out. Cringey. So, don't I sound like a teenager now? You do sound like a teenager now. Just, just, oh my god. So I saw this. I'm really trying not to judge myself. I saw this TikTok the other day that was about this teacher who was posting different words that her kids were saying, asking if they were okay. My, like, little 3rd to 5th graders have been saying some of this stuff, and it's completely not okay. Well, the thing about, what's funny is, I used to say this to students. They would sing a song. Maybe this was when you guys were little. Maybe it was not students. It might have been my parents, my kids. Um, but they, and I would be like, do you know what that means? Yeah, and they would be like, What do you mean? And I'm like, do you know what that means? And I'm like, I don't know what it means. I'm just asking you if you know what it means. Because I want to know if it's appropriate for you to be saying that or singing that song. But um, but yeah, it's weird. Anyways, okay. Back to our podcast. If you like us, you can find us on a lot of places that you find. Your podcasts. We're on Apple Podcasts. We're on YouTube. We're on Spotify. Spotify. Spotify hasn't updated in a while though. Can find. I need to check that. I think Spotify is one I have to do manually. Okay. Um, but we're, you can find us there. We are also on Instagram. If you are here live on Instagram, we can't see you'cause we have our phone turned around. Um, so you can read the shirts so we can't see our comments, but yeah, we decide to wear our, just breathe. Oh my gosh, I couldn't find my shirt that I wanted to wear. The shirt I wanted to wear says self care is badass. So that one's just gonna have to be like, I don't know, the cover picture for it or something. I don't know. Yeah, we could do that. But so, um, Like and share our stuff. We're gonna go, we are on Instagram. I'm going to start us a Facebook. I've been talking about this since our end of the year in December, and I haven't done it yet, but I'm not judging myself. I'm just letting myself have some space. So you can find us on Instagram. And, um, send us messages. If there's a topic you want us to talk about, like, we are all about talking about taking care of yourselves and loving yourself and being amazing people. That's what we want. If you want to see us be even funnier and find 17, 000 squirrels along the way. Thank you. Somebody, one day, we need to tell somebody, like, how, like, Count how many, yes. We need to, like, count how many squirrels we had during the day. Um, How many times did we get completely distracted? Yes. Okay. But we like to try to keep this around 30 minutes. So, um, we, uh, appreciate you guys listening to us. Give us your feedback. We want to hear what you think about us, unless you really hate us. And we'll just keep, we will keep scrolling past your nasty comments. If you ever going to be nasty to us, but, um, we thank you for, thank you for listening and thanks for being here. We will see you again next week. Bye! Bye bye Greg Week! Bye bye! Okay.